Preparatory foot massage in clothes, facial cleansing, toning, individually selected face massage + scalp massage 45-50 min, mask, hand massage.
March offers
Neovita facial
Plasmatherapy 5ml
Free consultation
Fresh up
Refreshing express facial treatment
Ultrasonic skin cleaning
Ultrasonic skin cleaning + face mask
Mechanical skin cleansing
Mechanical skin cleansing + face mask
Basic facial
Initial cleaning, exfoliation and therapies selected together with the beautician. Duration max 60 min.
Stop acne
Mechanical or ultrasonic skin cleaning, chemical skin peeling, face mask, cream
Skin Detox
Chemical skin peeling smoothes and lightens the surface of the skin and improves the quality of the skin. Chemical peeling is suitable for the treatment of many different skin problems.
Facial treatment with massage (dry, sensitive skin, massage 30 min)
Facial massage 45-60 min. Initial cleansing, exfoliation and therapies selected together with the beautician. Duration max 90 min.
Onmacabim Microneedling produces thousands of microscopic needle channels in the dermis of the skin. These stimulate the skin to regenerate and repair itself naturally and safely.
Reset is a simple, painless and effective technique that can be used to balance the jaw muscles (temporomandibular joint /TMJ). Reset directs healing energy through the muscles, nerves and ligaments in the jaw to achieve a state of balance quickly and easily.
PRX-T33 chemical acid peeling
Needle-free biorevitalization. Suitable for the face, neck, backs of the hands, chest and the rest of the body. The treatment immediately corrects the aesthetic defects of the skin and at the same time moisturizes the skin.
Spa Package NEW
Preparatory foot massage in clothes, facial cleansing, toning, individually selected face massage + scalp massage 45-50 min, mask, hand massage.
Filler treatments
Huulten täyteainehoito ja muotoilu 1,1ml
Huulten täyteainehoiton jälkitarkastus tai täyteaineen lisäys
Huulten täyteainehoito 2:lle hengelle
Huulten täyteainehoito JUVÉDERM 0.55 ml
Kasvojen/Poskien muotoilu täyteaineella 2,4ml
Injektiohoidot Kaulan juonteiden hoito
Injektiohoidot Otsan juonteiden hoito
Nasolabiaalijuonteiden täyteainehoito 1,2ml
Juonteita ja ryppyjä täyteainehoito
Lisää täyteainetta 1,2ml
Leuan ja leukalinjan muotoilu täyteaineella
Leuan kärjen muotoilu täyteaineella 1,2ml
Full Face täyteaineella (huulet, posket ja leuankärki)
Kyynelurien täyteainehoito 1,2ml
Mesotherapy, Biorevitalization
Injektiohoidot DNA PEPT-HA (anti-aging, restrucuring)
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